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Sunday, May 30, 2010

13th May

"A new commandment I give to you that you love one another as I have loved you so you must love one another." John 13:34.
Jesus always intended His Church to be filled with His love. Of all the places in the world God's Church should have the greatest amount of love, by far!
As was preached last Sunday Noah's arc was a prophetic picture of the New Testament Church. All those animals on the boat with Noah managed to live in peace and harmony, despite their natural and obvious differences. It was a miracle!
So it is in the Church, as we ignore our natural tendencies, prejudices, likes and dislikes and decide to love one another unconditionally our lives and Church become supernatural….... because God is love and as we walk in love we walk in God!
Let's decide to always be people who love one another with pure hearts and fulfil God's dream of a Church that burns with His love and becomes magnificent, glorious and famous in the Earth!

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